September 2, 2012

Intro part 2

I wasn't sure how to go about starting a blog.  I knew I wanted to blog about my experience with decorating and my personal DIY adventures so that's why I began with touring my home.  I guess it would be helpful to know a little more about me.  I'm Katie and I am married to my highschool sweetheart, Tom.  We bought our first and current home 5 years ago while it was under construction.  I thought it was the perfect home for us and was so excited that everything would be brand-spankin-new!  But it takes a while for the black canvas of a new house to feel like home.  We have been tweaking and customizing everything from the cabinets to the flooring and so much more ever since.  Here is the house on the day that we moved in:

1303 sq. feet  3br 2ba 
Tom and I got married the following summer, got a dog (Charlie) then came our daughter, Jada, who is getting ready to turn 2 and our son, Owen, who is 5 months.  Our house is full and we love it!  Tom is a car salesman at the local Ford dealership and I have been a hairstylist for 6 years.  I worked in a hair salon up until 5 months ago when I had our son.  We have since finished our basement and added a salon so I can now be a full-time mommy and work from home! 

I have been interested in the arts my whole life and at one point wanted to teach art.  It wasn't until I was in highschool and the show Trading Spaces became a hit on TLC that I became really interested in interior design.  While attending community college (not yet sure of my major) I decided to move to Chicago and pursue interior design at the International Academy of Design and Technology. That summer I quit my job at the hotel I was working for, sold my car and moved to Chicago.  After only one week I was miserably homesick and scared and gave up.  I have never regretted that I didn't stick it out because I have been incredibly blessed and I love what I do.  However, I have a passion for design and I love to look through home decor magazines and websites.  I just love all kinds of design styles!
Before we bought our house I loved the look of super modern and clean lined furniture and design.  I soon realized that uber modern stuff + our house + our budget = wasn't going to happen!  I have been working ever since trying to figure out what my style is.  I feel like my entryway and living room are the most "done" rooms of my house and the best representation of "me".  I am totally happy with everything in those spaces so that is why I decided to show you those areas first.   

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